Removing Moss & Cleaning a Thatched Roof

Long Straw, Combed Wheat and Norfolk Reed are the main three materials used for thatching roofs in the UK and obviously, as time passes, areas of a thatched roof will become susceptible to the growth of moss. Whilst the adverse effects of moss growth upon a thatched roof may not be as obvious as those for a standard tiled pitched or multi-layer flat roof, moss growth can have serious adverse effects on the lifespan of a roof. Moss will hold moisture which can slow the drying of the surface and stopping the roof from breathing. Many people also find the growth of moss on a thatched roof unsightly and it will attract birds to the roof which can cause additional problems. Apart from a new ridge every 8-15 years, if a thatch roof is well maintained then it can last for many, many years and the killing and removal of moss and its spores will help with this long lifespan. The treatment for moss growth, on this type of roof, is simple and quite straight forward. There are two options available that are dependent upon the age and condition of your roof. It is important that any products used upon a thatch roof are pH neutral and, if possible, are not required to be washed from the surface. All our recommended products (including Baticlean CR) are pH neutral and will not have any adverse effects upon the natural roof covering.

Given the nature of a thatch roof we would recommend only working on the roof between the months of April - October for the reason that Baticlean CR should, ideally, be applied to a dry surface. Given that thatch will take longer to dry than other types of roof the generally lower temperatures and fewer sunlight hours between October and April means that whilst the immediate surface may be dry the reeds beneath this will be damp therefore the best results will not be obtained.

New Thatched Roof - If you have a new roof or your property has been recently re-covered then this is the perfect time to clean the area. Although the roof may not be showing signs of moss growth, there will be moss spores across the surface. Whilst the spores do take time to become visible moss growth, it is easier to clean the surface BEFORE the moss becomes visible.

Before you clean the roof area ensure it is dry and that no rain is forecast at least for the rest of the day. We normally recommend not spraying your roof if rain has fallen within the past 2-3 days. Simply spray the area with Baticlean CR at a coverage rate of around 30 square meters per litre. This application will clean the roof and does not require rinsing.

Older Thatched Roof - If the roof is older or it has moss growth already on it then we recommend brushing the area to remove as much of the growth as possible. If this is not possible then do not worry, simply ensure the surface is dry and spray the area with Baticlean CR. After a couple of weeks, brush the roof to remove any dirt or debris and it may be advisable to give the roof a second coat to ensure that the surface has been in direct contact with the Baticlean CR.

As owners of a thatch property are aware, and as detailed earlier, the ridge area of a thatched roof will need to be attended to every decade or so. Whilst this work is being undertaken other minor repairs should also be carried out, areas straightened and any detailed areas checked. Whilst doing this any netting is removed and this is obviously an ideal time to clear moss and apply BATICLEAN CR to clean the surface.